Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Outside of bed slide out with skin on

Here's the outside of the slide out for the queen sized bed and night stands. The siding looks smudged from cleaning up the caulking with the acetone. For now I have shoved pipe insulation around the slide outs till I get them all skinned and can start on the trim which will hold the weather stripping and closing seal.

Out side rear bed slide out

This would be the rear of the bed slide out as viewed from the back of the bus. There's still some trim to go around the outside edge yet. Before the trim I will drill out the pop rivets around the edge and replace them with solid rivets.

Bed slide out skin

Here's a pic of the interior of the new skin on the bed slide out. I have not sealed up the joint between the tubes and the skin for the expanding foam. I figure that will be a good job for winter time.