Disclaimer, I don't have a clue what I am doing! This blog is for your entertainment only so please don't try to hold me liable for you trying something as stupid as me. Thanks
It is amazing what a difference the 20 inches makes in the room. It will be interesting to see what an other 33 inches on the other side will do for this room.
If you look closely you can see I raised the floor in the middle of this slideout to accomodate permenently mounting the hearth to the floor and having it reveal itself as the slideout is extended. Otherwise we would have to trip over it in the middle of the bus while the slideout is retracted. I think it will be neat to see this feture in action.
The framework for the front passenger slideout is about completed. This slideout will house the fireplace and his and hers computor centers and desk each side of the fireplace.
You can see where everything was down below. The primmered metal is all new. And see all that rust down there, well I need some new pics, cause its all been cut out now and replaced with new steel.
Ive been a cabinet maker for over 30 years now. I suppose some would call me a profesional cabinet maker as I make a living at it. I cant wait to get to the interior of the bus for this reason alone. Im going to do it up like the big boys do it.