Disclaimer, I don't have a clue what I am doing! This blog is for your entertainment only so please don't try to hold me liable for you trying something as stupid as me. Thanks
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Heres the wall after the bendable plywood has been glued screwed and tattooed.
As you can see the "wiggle wood" is quite flexible before being nailed on. I have used hundreds of sheets of this over the years without problems.
I have finally gotten started on the cabinetry d walls for the inside of the bus. This is the shower wall frame laying on its side ready for the bendable plywood. After laying out the rib work I pattern cut them to all be identical then glued and screwed them together. This shower will eventually be granite inside with a custom fiberglass ceiling.
Ive been a cabinet maker for over 30 years now. I suppose some would call me a profesional cabinet maker as I make a living at it. I cant wait to get to the interior of the bus for this reason alone. Im going to do it up like the big boys do it.