Disclaimer, I don't have a clue what I am doing! This blog is for your entertainment only so please don't try to hold me liable for you trying something as stupid as me. Thanks
It seems to be moving alot faster now that I don't have to cut out old rusty steel to make way for the new. I have quite a bit of new steel left to weld in yet but I do see light at the end of the tunnel now!!!!
That was the last of the rust damaged metal to be removed. Anything in this pic left attached to the bus that is rusty looking is metal that was put in last summer and has a little rust scale on it from last winter. A wire brush on a side grinder will take it right off.
Here goes the last of the rust damage. which is the last of the bus to be replaced. I am glad I stopped on the slideouts as they were going to be a hinderence to replace all this steel here.
Ive been a cabinet maker for over 30 years now. I suppose some would call me a profesional cabinet maker as I make a living at it. I cant wait to get to the interior of the bus for this reason alone. Im going to do it up like the big boys do it.